Saturday, September 2, 2017

Real Estate Investing Tips

Over the years we have seen many Real Estate "Guru's" and have even learned a lot from some of them. The reality is that you really don't need to spend extravagant amounts of money on RE Investing and can learn a lot from Local REIA's and local investors.

Here is a great article that helps explain -
Anyone interested in real estate investing has probably heard of Fortune Builders, operated by the former star of A&E’s “Flip This House” Than Merrill. It appears no city in America misses his real estate seminars.

But as Forbes magazine so aptly pointed out, seminars are not for teaching - they are for selling! And Than's "Fortune Builders" is very good at selling.

The primary purpose of this article is to try and help keep some people from falling into the “medicine show” trap of the seminar circuits of infomercial gurus like Than Merrill, Armando Montelongo and the rest. That is not to say that their programs cannot work - what I am saying is that success stories are relatively rare, and NO real estate investing program is worth upwards of the $35,000-$60,000 some of these people charge.

Fortune Builders first lures people who desperate for financial security to their “free” seminar. This seminar is just a teaser, where a high-pressure sales pitch is used to get attendees to shell out $1500 for the REAL seminar. And at that “real” seminar the attendees are pressured to protect their $1500 investment by plunking down another $35,000 for the "full Monte”.
Read the full article " Fortune Builders - Building a Fortune For Themselves?" here:

We have often learned a lot about RE investing at Local REIA's and meeting other investors that are like minded and are doing deals. Here is a great video that gives you a quick break down about getting started in Real Estate Investing.

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